The first symptom of echinococcosis is a cyst in almost any organ. Symptoms of echinococcosis include fever, cough, hemoptysis, and pain. If the lesion is confined, radical surgery can be curative. If the lesions are disseminated, palliative surgery is effective but can lead to relapses.
The most common symptom is chest pain and bloody mucus, but echinococcosis can also affect the lungs. Chest x-rays may show signs of echinococcosis. A physician may prescribe an antibiotic or prescribe anti-parasite drugs to treat the condition. Patients with suspected echinococcosis should be examined by a medical professional.
In areas with foxes and dogs, where these animals access internal organs, echinococcosis is the most common disease. It is also common in northern countries and is associated with a high death rate. Symptoms can range from coughing to abdominal pain. Some people have fever and urticaria. If the cysts have spread to the lungs, they may cause chest pain and hemoptysis.
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The primary type of echinococcosis is alveolar echinococcosis, which occurs in sheep. Its host range is global, including the Middle East and Mediterranean. In addition to sheep, the infection can also affect domesticated dogs. Acute cases may last for several years, but medical treatment is usually initiated within a few years. For chronic echinococcosis, there are some treatments available that will treat the symptoms.