If you are planning to trade currencies, you can take advantage of the low fees offered by XM Group. The standard account has fees incorporated into the spread, which is as low as 0.00016 pips. The main forex pairs have spreads around one pip, which is a low figure. The Zero Account is available on Android and Apple devices, and charges a commission fee of $3.5 per side for each $100,000 traded.
XM Group offers several types of accounts, including the Micro, Standard and Islamic accounts. The Micro and Standard accounts are the most expensive, while the XM Zero and a low-cost ‘ultra low’ account offer the lowest fees. It is worth noting that all these types of accounts come with no expiration date. In addition, the XM Zero and Ultra Low accounts are the best for people who are looking to practice their trading strategies without putting money at risk.
Ending Line
You can open an account with the XM Group website and start trading immediately. The majority of orders are executed in less than a second, and leverage is 1:30. XM Group supports over 100 financial instruments, including Bitcoin, ETH, GBP, USD, CAD, and EUR/USD. With its wide range of currency options, it is not difficult to find the one that suits your needs. A lot of people also like the fact that they can make their first deposit through a web-based application.